Think Twice Before You Get That Tattoo: FDA
Though popular, they carry infection risks and are hard to removeContinue Reading
Though popular, they carry infection risks and are hard to removeContinue Reading
Though popular, they carry infection risks and are hard to removeContinue Reading
Babesiosis can sicken humans, so clinical trials are next step, researchers sayContinue Reading
Doctors might see 1 case every 5 to 10 years, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study found new training method led to fewer cases of painful, potentially dangerous infectionsContinue Reading
Excess weight also linked to extended hospital stays, study findsContinue Reading
Excess weight also linked to extended hospital stays, study findsContinue Reading
New evidence suggests annual jab is warrantedContinue Reading
Researchers find the virus can replicate in immune cellsContinue Reading
Pennsylvania case suggests it’s almost ‘the end of the road’ for these drugsContinue Reading
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