Antibiotic-Resistant Hospital Germ Traced to U.K. Livestock, Study Finds
British researchers urge strict agricultural standards to prevent MRSA’s spreadContinue Reading
British researchers urge strict agricultural standards to prevent MRSA’s spreadContinue Reading
Needle-free version would be easier to use in West Africa, experts say, and human trials are next stepContinue Reading
Experts estimate about 100 cases a year occur in AmericaContinue Reading
Experts estimate about 100 cases a year occur in AmericaContinue Reading
Hygienic burial practices are crucialContinue Reading
Among people aged 10 to 25
Continue Reading
Trumenba guards against type of bacteria that is one of leading causes of life-threatening diseaseContinue Reading
But other experts doubt that a herpes infection could cause the brain diseaseContinue Reading
She contracted virus caring for Dallas patient Thomas Eric Duncan but should return home soon, officials saidContinue Reading
Yale team foresees 90,000 deaths in one Liberian county alone by Dec. 15Continue Reading
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