Could Electrical Brain Stimulation Boost Perseverance?
In tiny study, 2 patients experienced a desire to conquer challengeContinue Reading
In tiny study, 2 patients experienced a desire to conquer challengeContinue Reading
Study found it helped children bothered by ordinary noises, feel of toothbrush or shower water on skinContinue Reading
With synesthesia, sight, taste, smell and sound may blendContinue Reading
Small study used MRI to examine patients with temporal lobe epilepsyContinue Reading
First incident requires emergency medical care, expert saysContinue Reading
Effects appear strongest when kids start lessons before age 7Continue Reading
Doctors, patients share responsibility for preventing and treating co-occurring conditions, experts say
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Kids vaccinated at 1 year to 15 months of age have lower risk of fever, seizures, researchers sayContinue Reading
Those with high fitness level 79 percent less likely to be diagnosed with disorder later in life, study suggestsContinue Reading
Those with high fitness level 79 percent less likely to be diagnosed with disorder later in life, study suggestsContinue Reading
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