Brain Researchers Spot Decision-Making Center in Rats
Experiments found when region was shut down, the animals no longer made good choicesContinue Reading
Experiments found when region was shut down, the animals no longer made good choicesContinue Reading
Gene mutation combined with exposure to chemicals used in farming may trigger degenerative diseaseContinue Reading
Implications of inadequate shuteye still aren’t clearContinue Reading
A whiff of oxytocin lit up reward center in men’s brains when they looked at their partner’s faceContinue Reading
Good news is that the rate of increase is slowing, researchers addContinue Reading
Good news is that the rate of increase is slowing, researchers addContinue Reading
With synesthesia, sight, taste, smell and sound may blendContinue Reading
Two studies identify gene mutations that act together to disrupt the brain’s wiring before birthContinue Reading
Two studies identify gene mutations that act together to disrupt the brain’s wiring before birthContinue Reading
European review looked at 12,000 people who’d lived through economic downturnsContinue Reading
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