WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A newer understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) suggests that psychiatric conditions like anxiety and depression may emerge long before classic MS symptoms. “For a long time, it was thought that MS only really began clinically when a person experienced their first demyelinating event,Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Everyone’s seen a movie or TV show featuring someone sleepwalking — eyes half-lidded, bumbling around, tripping over furniture. But sleepwalkers are actually capable of much more complex behaviors during their restless slumber, a new paper says. During sleep some people can engage inContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Sept. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) — People have long talked about having near-death experiences in which they felt they were looking down on themselves while others tried to save them. Now, researchers have documented some of those experiences. In a study published online recently in the journal Resuscitation, investigatorsContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Sept. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Many Medicare patients can’t get help close to home for brain and nervous system issues. Nearly 1 in 5 Medicare recipients in the United States live at least 50 miles from their neurologist. “Our study found a substantial travel burden exists for someContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 13, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A large number of drugs used to treat everything from multiple sclerosis to blood cancers to rheumatoid arthritis may cause a rare but often-fatal condition called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). But a simple genetic test can determine who has a 10-fold higher riskContinue Reading