Beans, Lentils, Peas: Your Recipe for Lower Cholesterol?
Review of 26 studies finds one serving per day tied to healthier arteries, especially in menContinue Reading
Health Tip: Why Your Body Needs Fat
And which fats are the healthier choices
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Could Coffee Lower Death Risk From Liver Cirrhosis?
Large study from China suggests 2 daily cups might offer protection in cases of non-viral hepatitisContinue Reading
Could Coffee Lower Death Risk From Liver Cirrhosis?
Large study from China suggests 2 daily cups might offer protection in cases of non-viral hepatitisContinue Reading
More Evidence That Probiotics Won’t Ease Baby’s Colic
Parents gave Lactobacillus reuteri to colicky infants in study
Jury Still Out on Benefits of Vitamin D
One of two reviews suggests it may help people live longer, but finding is not definitiveContinue Reading
Monkeys on Very-Low-Cal Diet Lived Longer, Healthier Lives
Jury is still out on whether such regimens could do the same for humans, experts sayContinue Reading
Fruits and Veggies May Reduce Death Risk, Study Suggests
Large 12-year review found the more daily portions you eat, the better off you areContinue Reading
Can Diet Soft Drinks Contribute to Heart Trouble in Women?
Those who consumed the most had highest risk, but the study results are preliminaryContinue Reading