Star Athletes Often Endorse Junk Food, Study Says
Sugar-packed ‘sports drinks’ among products hawked in lucrative ad campaignsContinue Reading
Sugar-packed ‘sports drinks’ among products hawked in lucrative ad campaignsContinue Reading
Limit TV time, and watch what kids eatContinue Reading
Average entree still has same number of calories, only tiny drop in salt content, researchers sayContinue Reading
Width and location of the glass, color of the wine all seem to matter, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found morning meal rich in protein, fat actually curbed hunger, helped control blood sugar levelsContinue Reading
Higher levels of omega-3 didn’t boost thinking, memory test scores
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Higher levels of omega-3 didn’t boost thinking, memory test scores
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Study unclear whether this helps or hinders people trying to lose weightContinue Reading
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