THURSDAY, July 28, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Eating lots of ultra-processed foods may dramatically increase your risk for dementia, according to a new study by researchers in China. Ultra-processed foods are high in sugar, fat and salt, but low in protein and fiber. Sodas, salty and sugary snacks and desserts,Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Certain 1.2-ounce Natierra Organic Freeze-Dried Blueberry pouches have been recalled in the United States because of possible lead contamination. The recall of two lots by manufacturer BrandStorm Inc. is due to lead levels above the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recommended limits. “PeopleContinue Reading

TUESDAY, July 12, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A fasting diet might be the ticket to avoiding a COVID-19 hospitalization, a new study suggests. Researchers at Intermountain Healthcare in Utah found that people who had practiced water-only intermittent fasting for decades were less likely to experience severe complications as a resultContinue Reading