(HealthDay News) — Dried fruit is a healthier source of nutrition and calories. In some cases, it can be even healthier than fresh fruit, says Harvard Medical School. Dried fruit typically contains more fiber and antioxidants than fresh fruit. Fiber and antioxidants have been shown to fight heart disease, obesityContinue Reading

FRIDAY, June 21, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Ever wonder how your diet habits — good or bad — compare to others? Annual surveys done by the International Food Information Council Foundation detail positive changes that people are making and where improvement is still needed. People are, in general, hungry forContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — The keys to healthier snacking are moderation and choosing your munchies wisely, says the American Heart Association. The AHA recommends: Crunchy foods, such as apples, celery sticks, cucumbers, rice cakes, popcorn and nuts. Low-sugar drinks, such as sparkling water, fat-free milk and veggie juice. Filling foods, suchContinue Reading