‘Healthy Obesity’ Is a Myth, Report Says
Researchers weigh results of 8 studies, find excess pounds raise death risk over timeContinue Reading
Researchers weigh results of 8 studies, find excess pounds raise death risk over timeContinue Reading
Study suggests nothing can replace moderation in the face of high-calorie food and drinksContinue Reading
Australian study found it was more important than what Mom or Dad weighedContinue Reading
Researchers say tactic could help curb childhood obesityContinue Reading
People may choose less healthy foods to avoid offending someone heavier, study findsContinue Reading
Early study found unexpected side effect after procedure to stop bleedingContinue Reading
San Diego-area participants got matching funds to purchase specific products from farmers’ marketsContinue Reading
Lower your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, analysis concludesContinue Reading
Women in small study used it to track their eating and exercise habitsContinue Reading
Women in small study used it to track their eating and exercise habitsContinue Reading
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