Docs Urged to Treat Unhealthy Habits Before Damage Is Done
Target problems like smoking, poor eating and being overweight, heart association saysContinue Reading
Target problems like smoking, poor eating and being overweight, heart association saysContinue Reading
Despite calls for routine testing, task force finds lack of evidence it would helpContinue Reading
Too much shuteye may be even more damaging than too littleContinue Reading
Limit TV time, and watch what kids eatContinue Reading
Average entree still has same number of calories, only tiny drop in salt content, researchers sayContinue Reading
Rodents on ‘obesity meal plan’ developed high number of precancerous lesionsContinue Reading
Doctors should warn patients their need for pain relief may continue, researchers sayContinue Reading
Doctors should warn patients their need for pain relief may continue, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found heavier seniors had lower death risk but higher disease risk, with reasons uncertain
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It’s hoped this might lead to personalized human treatmentsContinue Reading
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