ER Doctors Cautious When Prescribing Narcotic Painkillers: Study
They’re dispensing lower number of pills, using meds that carry less overdose riskContinue Reading
They’re dispensing lower number of pills, using meds that carry less overdose riskContinue Reading
Giving patients drug that helps ease withdrawal works better than simple referrals, experts sayContinue Reading
More than 140 cases of the AIDS-causing virus reported in rural IndianaContinue Reading
Study of newborns upends some longstanding beliefsContinue Reading
In study, people showed more muted responses to photos after taking pill best known as TylenolContinue Reading
Suggestions to help strengthen without straining
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Less risky treatment viable for older patients with lumbar spinal stenosisContinue Reading
And about 10 percent of patients with prescriptions for these powerful drugs become addictedContinue Reading
Review of 13 trials finds little effect for drug best recognized as TylenolContinue Reading
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