FRIDAY, April 22, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The majority of antibiotic prescriptions for U.S. seniors and Black and Hispanic Americans are inappropriate, a new report reveals. For the study, researchers analyzed federal government data on more than 7 billion outpatient visits to doctors’ offices, hospital clinics and emergency departments nationwideContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Twelve companies have been issued warning letters about selling over-the-counter skin lightening products containing hydroquinone, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday. The products are unapproved drugs that are not recognized as safe and effective, according to the FDA, which has receivedContinue Reading

MONDAY, April 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) – The World Health Organization (WHO) is investigating an unexplained increase in severe liver infection in children around the world including in the United States and the United Kingdom. The severe acute hepatitis cases have led to hospitalizations and even some liver transplants, butContinue Reading