WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Margarine has gotten a bad rap for years, but a U.S. ban on partially hydrogenated oils may have made it a healthier choice than butter, a new study suggests. Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned such oils in 2018, margarine containedContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — “Medicare For All” gets tossed around a lot by advocates of universal health coverage, but a new study finds that today’s Medicare is far from free for seniors and people with disabilities. Instead, a large number of beneficiaries are sliding into medical debtContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Here’s a social distancing strategy that really worked in the early days of the pandemic: New research shows that providing hotel rooms to homeless people at high risk for severe COVID-19 significantly lowered their chance of infection. In early April 2020, the cityContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) — You can’t always choose who operates on you, especially in an emergency, but the sex of your surgeon shouldn’t matter, should it? It just may, according to a Canadian study of 1.3 million people. It reported that women who underwent common elective orContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) — They take care of others, but many U.S. home health care workers say they’re not in good shape themselves, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed self-reported data collected from nearly 3,000 home health care workers in 38 states between 2014 and 2018 andContinue Reading

SUNDAY, Dec. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — This time of year can be hard on the heart. The United States has more heart attack deaths between Christmas and New Year’s Day than at any other time of year, so the American Heart Association (AHA) offers some holiday health tips. “TheContinue Reading