WEDNESDAY, Aug. 30, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Young Black children living in racially segregated U.S. neighborhoods are at heightened risk of potentially brain-damaging lead exposure, a new study warns. The study, of nearly 321,000 North Carolina children under the age of 7, found that those living in predominantly Black neighborhoodsContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Aug. 29, 2023 (HealthDay News) — The Biden administration on Tuesday named the first 10 medicines that will be subject to price negotiations between Medicare and participating drug companies. The list represents the first step in a landmark program aimed at reducing the government’s drug spending, and potentially U.S.Continue Reading

MONDAY, Aug. 28, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Brightly colored “edibles” can be tempting for young kids and are more widely available now that many U.S. states have legalized cannabis for recreational and medical use. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much of an edible to make a small child very sick, newContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Aug. 25, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Older people who take adult education classes may lower their risk for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, Japanese research suggests. Middle-aged folks and older people in adult education classes had a 19% lower risk of developing dementia within five years, the researchers found. “WeContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Aug. 25, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Smoke from Canadian wildfires sent high numbers of people suffering from asthma attacks to America’s emergency rooms this spring and summer, according to two new reports. From April 30 to August 4, 2023, smoke from out-of-control wildfires in Canada increased emergency room visitsContinue Reading