Measles Journey Highlights Risk to Unvaccinated Kids
Minnesota outbreak began with a toddler traveling overseas, study saysContinue Reading
Minnesota outbreak began with a toddler traveling overseas, study saysContinue Reading
Instead, ‘acute’ illnesses like pneumonia or sheer frailty bring about the end for the very old, study findsContinue Reading
But azithromycin boosted chances of heart attack slightly in this vulnerable populationContinue Reading
But azithromycin boosted chances of heart attack slightly in this vulnerable populationContinue Reading
Finding is troubling given predictions of rising temperatures due to climate changeContinue Reading
As weather warms, some areas in U.S. will have many high ozone daysContinue Reading
Study of whooping cough epidemic in Washington state found no rise in immunization of babies
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Kentucky patients 22 percent less likely to need to be admitted in counties with stricter laws, study findsContinue Reading
Vaccination has saved thousands of lives, report says, but outbreaks occurring as some people opt out
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If one day approved to treat people with infection, it might reduce their symptoms, researchers sayContinue Reading
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