SUNDAY, Dec. 25, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The key to keeping skin soft in winter: Moisturize. “Skin tends to be drier when the weather is less humid, so individuals should moisturize at least twice a day, if not more often,” according to Dr. Vicky Zhen Ren, a dermatologist and assistantContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) — An experimental drug may one day be a cure for eczema, a new trial suggests. The drug, rocatinlimab, is a monoclonal antibody that researchers found prevented the recurrence of the symptoms of the skin condition for up to 20 weeks after treatment wasContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 23, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The whole family — even the youngest members — can take part in Thanksgiving’s hours of food preparation by following some safety tips. The nation’s leading pediatrics organization offers some holiday advice for families with young children. “There’s a lot of excitement andContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) – Florida residents dealing with the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Ian now need to be concerned about a spike in flesh-eating bacteria cases, health officials warned. “The Florida Department of Health in Lee County is observing an abnormal increase in cases of Vibrio vulnificusContinue Reading