Daily Baths Not a Must for Kids
Most under the age of 11 are fine with two to three washings a week, dermatologist saysContinue Reading
Most under the age of 11 are fine with two to three washings a week, dermatologist saysContinue Reading
Pool water and sun exposure can make skin dry
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Risk rose for hay fever, eczema, study suggestsContinue Reading
Researchers call for clearer guidelines on treatment, follow-upContinue Reading
Study supports notion that balding men appear older, less attractiveContinue Reading
Establish a ‘no kid’ zone in part of your kitchen to keep little ones safeContinue Reading
But just in case, here’s what to do if you develop the red, itchy rash and blisters that these plants can causeContinue Reading
Human trial set to begin this fall, researcher saysContinue Reading
How you can eliminate the health risk to you and your familyContinue Reading
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