Heating Luggage Sends Bedbugs Packing
Just 6 minutes at about 160 degrees F kills the creepy critters, study saysContinue Reading
Just 6 minutes at about 160 degrees F kills the creepy critters, study saysContinue Reading
But, it’s better to prevent scars in the first place, dermatologist saysContinue Reading
Tanning salon use showed little change after 2013 ban, and rose among N.J. high school boysContinue Reading
This chronic skin disease can affect overall health, dermatologist saysContinue Reading
Itchy skin condition also linked to a number of other ills, skin specialist saysContinue Reading
Sleeping with a feathered friend nearby may keep some biting bugs at bay, researchers findContinue Reading
Potential negatives of withholding treatmentContinue Reading
These simple steps will help prevent blisters and speed healing if one developsContinue Reading
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