Drug Shows Promise Against Arthritis Common in People with Psoriasis
New medication improved skin condition, lessened swelling, study findsContinue Reading
New Approaches to Acne Treatment
Topical applications plus antibiotics often succeed, experts sayContinue Reading
Health Tip: Follow Instructions on Insect Repellent
And store product away from childrenContinue Reading
It’s Better to Prevent a Sunburn Than to Treat One, Dermatologist Says
Sunscreen, shade and covering up can help protect against skin damage in the short- and long-termContinue Reading
Tick Exposure Can Occur in a Minute in Infested Areas
Insect repellant, clothing and daily skin checks best defense against disease-carrying pests, expert saysContinue Reading
Preventing Tick Bites
Long pants, socks and insect repellant help protect you from ticksContinue Reading
Prom Isn’t a Good Reason to Hit the Tanning Salon
Indoor tanning increases the risk of skin cancer, experts sayContinue Reading
Prom Isn’t a Good Reason to Hit the Tanning Salon
Indoor tanning increases the risk of skin cancer, experts sayContinue Reading
5 or More Bad Sunburns While Young Tied to Higher Melanoma Risk
Odds for deadly skin cancer rise 80 percent, nurses’ study findsContinue Reading