Dermatologist Offers Tips on Dry Winter Skin
Keep showers short, apply moisturizer, wear soft fabrics such as cottonContinue Reading
Tanning Salons Now Outnumber McDonald’s Outlets in Florida: Study
Indoor tanning has strong ties to skin cancer and Florida has one of the highest rates of the diseaseContinue Reading
Prevent Home Heating From Becoming a Safety Hazard
Expert advice on avoiding house fires, carbon monoxide poisoningContinue Reading
Coping Tips for Winter Skin
Moisturize, cleanse (but don’t overdo), expert saysContinue Reading
Gelatin Allergy May Mean Extra Care Is Needed With Flu Shot
Used to stabilize the vaccine, gelatin could cause reaction in those who are sensitive to it, experts sayContinue Reading
Study Finds Links Between Psoriasis, Heart Failure
Researchers recommend screening psoriasis patients for heart risksContinue Reading