(HealthDay News) — Even getting a good night’s sleep requires some thought and preparation. The National Sleep Foundation offers these suggestions: Go to sleep at the same time every night, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual. Avoid naps. Exercise daily. Maintain a cool sleeping temperature between 60 degreesContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Snoring is not only an annoyance, but also a potential health concern. Chronic snoring may be associated with sleep apnea, which can lead to sleep deprivation and potential heart issues. The National Sleep Foundation says certain exercises may strengthen muscles surrounding the airways and help prevent snoring:Continue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Even young children have stress. If it’s bad enough, it may interfere with your youngster’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation mentions these warning signs of stress-induced loss of sleep in children: Decreased appetite. Headache. Bedwetting. Stomach upset or pain. Inability to relax. Aggressiveness or stubbornness. Inability toContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Whether you are in a car, plane or train, maintaining the right body temperature can help you get needed rest. So don’t forget to include a blanket on your list of essentials to pack, the National Sleep Foundation says. Maintaining the right body temperature will help youContinue Reading