FRIDAY, Nov. 3, 2017 (HealthDay News) — It might sound like a great thing — getting an extra hour of sleep when Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday. Granted, it’s easier than losing an hour’s sleep in the time changeover that comes in the spring, but adjusting to the autumnContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Oct. 27, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Children and adults with eczema shouldn’t suffer in silence because new, improved treatments can do more to help ease the uncomfortable, itchy rash associated with the skin condition. Many adults diagnosed with eczema (atopic dermatitis) actually had the condition since they were childrenContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Oct. 26, 2017 (HealthDay News) — If you have trouble keeping slim, don’t put all the blame on your DNA. People carrying so-called “obesity” genes tend to gain more weight if they don’t work out or don’t get enough sleep, said Timothy Frayling, a professor with the University ofContinue Reading