MS Patients May Be Prone to Other Chronic Illnesses, Study Finds
High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and depression among common co-existing conditionsContinue Reading
High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and depression among common co-existing conditionsContinue Reading
Husbands, wives need support to reduce strain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Scientists say technology might one day help severely disabled people who have lost muscle control, mobilityContinue Reading
Results might eventually lead to new treatments, study authors suggestContinue Reading
Long-term Canadian study followed participants until age 36Continue Reading
Severe cases were tied to high risk for depression, post-traumatic stress disorderContinue Reading
Findings suggest closer scrutiny needed during the 2 hours following birthContinue Reading
Psychiatric problems showing up in those who took up the habit from the 1980s onward, researchers findContinue Reading
Psychiatric problems showing up in those who took up the habit from the 1980s onward, researchers findContinue Reading
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