Many With Schizophrenia Say They’re Happy: Study
Finding is valuable, researchers say, because coping mechanisms can be taught to othersContinue Reading
Finding is valuable, researchers say, because coping mechanisms can be taught to othersContinue Reading
Increase was slight, but a good sign that law is working, researchers reportContinue Reading
Increase was slight, but a good sign that law is working, researchers reportContinue Reading
But countries can take steps to reduce self-harm cases during economic downturns, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study links greater mobility in old age to daily strollsContinue Reading
‘Sleep Well, Be Well’ hopes to boost the nation’s health by stressing the necessity of restful nightsContinue Reading
Poor mental health can affect longevity as much or more than heavy smoking, study findsContinue Reading
Regular activity, such as walking, afterwards improves memory and quality of life, suggest expertsContinue Reading
Regular activity, such as walking, afterwards improves memory and quality of life, suggest expertsContinue Reading
Research shows rates of mental, physical problems higher in these patients than among other adultsContinue Reading
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