TUESDAY, May 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation it imposed took a dramatic toll on kids’ mental health, increasing the demand for services in an already overburdened system. As a result, many kids found themselves being “boarded” in emergency departments as they awaited care, accordingContinue Reading

MONDAY, May 16, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Many people who get a diagnosis for one mental illness may find they have additional psychiatric conditions, and new genetic research offers an explanation why. A number of mental illnesses share genetic similarities, researchers found. This discovery helps explain why multiple conditions areContinue Reading

FRIDAY, April 22, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Children with Down syndrome are more likely than other kids to have sleep apnea, and existing treatments often fail to work. Now, an implanted device that stimulates tongue nerves shows promise in reducing their sleep disruptions, a new study finds. A device calledContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — People with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other severe mental illnesses are at increased risk of death from heart problems, a large research review finds. “Our systematic review and meta-analysis of over 100 studies has confirmed a strong association between severe mental illness andContinue Reading

TUESDAY, April 12, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Psilocybin — the active component in “magic mushrooms” — may help rewire the brains of people with depression. Psychedelics including psilocybin have shown promise in treating many mental health disorders in recent years, and a new study is among the first to beginContinue Reading