Getting Teeth Pulled Before Heart Surgery May Pose Serious Risks
Study found 8 percent of those who did suffered a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or deathContinue Reading
Study found 8 percent of those who did suffered a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or deathContinue Reading
Small study found side effects such as low blood sugar, high potassium, severe dizzinessContinue Reading
U.S. study finds those living in regions with greater happiness more likely to donate organs to strangersContinue Reading
Study from Taiwan followed thousands of post-op patientsContinue Reading
Experts caution that it should only be given to young children when problems first appear
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Experts caution that it should only be given to young children when problems first appear
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Study looked at blood-testing methods to detect changes before symptoms beginContinue Reading
Drugs called ACE inhibitors and ARBs may help patients avoid dialysis as well, researchers sayContinue Reading
Drugs called ACE inhibitors and ARBs may help patients avoid dialysis as well, researchers sayContinue Reading
Intensity of activity doesn’t seem to matter, study findsContinue Reading
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