(HealthDay News) — To help keep your family healthier physically and emotionally, plan to do things together.
Here are suggestions from the American Academy of Family Physicians:
- Set a good example by making healthier food choices and exercising regularly. Make a commitment as a family to getting and staying healthy.
- Cook more often at home. The food probably will be healthier, and eating is a great activity for the entire family. Offer a healthy breakfast every day.
- Involve your children in planning and creating healthy meals. Serve healthier snacks and foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid sweets and chips.
- Encourage children to learn and listen to their body’s signals for hunger and fullness. Show them that you only eat when hungry, not bored, angry or sad.
- Get outside to exercise and play, and encourage physical activities. Limit screen time.
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