Health Highlights: Feb. 2, 2022

America’s Olympians face one of the most stressful Games ever. A team of mental health professionals will join them to help guard their well-being as they perform under the strain of both intense competition and a pandemic. Read more

Suicides by drug overdose taking a deadly toll. They’ve increased among teens, young adults and seniors, even as they declined for the overall population, U.S. federal researchers say. Read more

Fragile male egos have many women ‘faking it’ in the bedroom. New studies confirm what many women already know: Reacting to your man’s insecurities can have you pretending the sexual satisfaction you do not feel. Read more

Pfizer asks FDA to approve COVID-18 vaccine for kids under 5. The company on Tuesday asked the agency to authorize extra-low doses for the youngest Americans, potentially opening the way for shots to roll out as early as March. Read more

Many Americans have heart troubles during pandemic. Four in 10 say they’ve had at least one heart-related issue and about one in four who have tested positive believe COVID has affected their heart health, a new online poll shows. Read more