Why Ballet Dancers Can Spin Without Getting Dizzy
Study found years of training suppressed signals of imbalance; findings could help those with chronic dizzinessContinue Reading
Study found years of training suppressed signals of imbalance; findings could help those with chronic dizzinessContinue Reading
Make sure you take your medication firstContinue Reading
A drug widely utilized in cattle does not fully break down in water as previously believed, study findsContinue Reading
It’s hoped this might lead to personalized human treatmentsContinue Reading
Biggest improvement seen with diet-exercise combo in 18-month study of older, overweight adultsContinue Reading
Biggest improvement seen with diet-exercise combo in 18-month study of older, overweight adultsContinue Reading
But study authors say recovery period might varyContinue Reading
Physical therapy could help these women, study authors sayContinue Reading
Levels of specific kinds of fat tied to mutation can be measured in blood, study findsContinue Reading
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