Alzheimer’s-Like Plaque Seen on Brain Scans After Head Trauma
But researchers don’t know if these so-called ‘amyloid deposits’ persist long-termContinue Reading
But researchers don’t know if these so-called ‘amyloid deposits’ persist long-termContinue Reading
Researchers compared high-tech helmets to standard gear for concussion protectionContinue Reading
Nor are they linked to medical treatment, researchers sayContinue Reading
Canadian study found younger adults were most vulnerableContinue Reading
Study found they were more likely to be diagnosed with mood disorder, but reason for link is unclearContinue Reading
Parents should be reassured that personal hygiene has nothing to do with the problemContinue Reading
Most patients hospitalized for heavy bleeds need only minor treatmentContinue Reading
Most patients hospitalized for heavy bleeds need only minor treatmentContinue Reading
Neti pots and similar devices to clear sinuses require proper cleaning, water typeContinue Reading
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