THURSDAY, April 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) — CBD is all the rage, and millions of people are turning to it for a host of reasons, including pain relief. But despite CBD’s popularity and widespread use, new research finds it’s actual benefits are less clear. The bottom line? CBD — andContinue Reading

MONDAY, April 26, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Neck pain? Poor posture can cause it, but may not be the only reason why, new research suggests. Lifestyle is a key culprit — particularly long periods of time spent hunched over handheld devices or working on computers. So a team at TexasContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) — As if the headaches and stuffy nose aren’t bad enough, chronic sinus trouble often leaves patients foggy-headed and depressed. Now, new research suggests one possible reason why: Sinusitis may trigger changes in brain activity. “Chronic sinusitis is incredibly common,” said study lead authorContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away — little or no opioids needed. The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation. It involves inserting a small wire next to a nerve and using a stimulator to deliver a mild electrical currentContinue Reading

THURSDAY, April 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Dermatologists liken skin to a window that can reveal what is going on inside the body, and a rash that sometimes follows a COVID-19 vaccine is one example. When you get the shot, your immune system activates, preparing to recognize and fight offContinue Reading

THURSDAY, April 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) — In a discovery that shows carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t strike just office workers, researchers report that people who work in construction or manufacturing have a higher risk of carpal tunnel syndrome than those with desk jobs. Why the higher rates of injury amongContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, March 31, 2021 (HealthDay News) — In January, the coronavirus swept through Brian and Maria Padla’s family of seven in Philadelphia, starting with their oldest daughter, 16, and then infecting Brian, Maria, and their four younger children. The virus seemingly came and went without much fanfare for the family.Continue Reading

FRIDAY, March 26, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Using cellphones to track patients’ painkiller use, a new study found more than 60% of opioid painkillers prescribed to surgical patients after their procedures went unused. That has implications for the ongoing epidemic of opioid misuse in the United States, where unused medicationsContinue Reading