Health Tip: Help Prevent Childhood Obesity
Limit TV time, and watch what kids eatContinue Reading
Limit TV time, and watch what kids eatContinue Reading
Researchers recommend using Advil, Motrin post-opContinue Reading
Researchers recommend using Advil, Motrin post-opContinue Reading
Relying on several sources, including teachers, clinicians and yourself, is best way to find out, study saysContinue Reading
And set a good example for your kidsContinue Reading
But experts say research based on those born almost 80 years ago may now be irrelevantContinue Reading
Doctors should discuss sleep-time habits with new parents, expert saysContinue Reading
Doctors should discuss sleep-time habits with new parents, expert saysContinue Reading
Better awareness of traumatic brain injury may be reason, experts say
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